Template for Jupyter notebooks running Python.
Version 0.1.0 | First Created July 12, 2023 | Updated August 01, 2023
This is an Jupyter Notebook document. For more details on using a Jupyter Notebook see https://docs.jupyter.org/en/latest/.
This study is a reproduction of:
The lab called "Urban Environmental Justice of Green Space Access in Chicago" from Middlebury College's Human Geography with GIS class.
The abstract of the original study is as follows:
Green space provide numerous public health, social, and environmental benefits to cities and their residents. These include mitigation of urban heat, improved storm water management and water quality, improved air quality, expanded access to exercise, and the social-psychological benefits of enjoying nature.
In this lab, we will conduct a GIS study similar to Wolch, Wilson and Fehrenbach's (2005) research on access to green spaces in Los Angeles, California. Wolch et al's purpose was to assess the environmental justice implications of municipal green spaces and recreation funding policies (Proposition K), asking whether minority groups, and especially minority children, were disproportionately excluded from access to green spaces. They operationalized the concept of "access" in terms of both the proximity and the total area of green spaces, and found significant disparities between racial/ethnic groups, rooted in histories of bias and segregation.
Our purpose is to assess people's access to green space (parks and forests) in segregated neighborhoods of Chicago. To do so, we will estimate indicators of access to green space according to regions where Asian, Black, Latinx, or White ethnic/racial groups are the majority (60% of the population or more), and Mixed neighborhoods where no single group makes up 60% or more of the population. The indicators of green space access are:
• Percentage of people living within 0.25 miles of a green space
• Green space area per person (in square meters)
Key words
: Green space, racial majority, access, Chicago, Illinois, overlay, buffer, aggregation.Subject
: Social and Behavioral Sciences: Geography: Nature and Society RelationsDate created
: November 30, 2023Date modified
: December 14, 20203Spatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: TractsSpatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: 2010Temporal Resolution
: Decennial censusSpatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: TractsSpatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: 2010Temporal Resolution
: Decennial censusThis study is a reproduction study of an unpublished geography study that was made for Middlebury College's Human Geography with GIS class to be done in QGIS. I completed the study last spring when I was in the course Human Geography with GIS, but wanted to revisit it through a computational environment to contribute to the world of reproducible science. Since this is not a computationally intensive study, its purpose is to act as a simple example to show new GIScientists what the world of reproduction looks like by demonstrating easily digestible components of reproducible research such as making a pre-analysis plan (preregistration), setting up a reproducible computational environment, sharing data and metadata, sharing methods and code, working through a reproduction study notebook, and exploring a research compendium.
The main research question at hand is to see if this QGIS study can be accurately reproduced using Python packages such as GeoPandas and Pandas.
Maintaining a reproducible computational environment requires some conscious choices in package management.
Please refer to 00-Python-environment-setup.ipynb
for details.
# report python version and install required packages
# switch if statement from True to False once packages have been installed
if False:
!python -V
!pip install -r ../environment/requirements.txt
# Import modules, define directories
from pyhere import here
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import folium as fm
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
# You can define your own shortcuts for file paths:
path = {
"dscr": here("data", "scratch"),
"drpub": here("data", "raw", "public"),
"drpriv": here("data", "raw", "private"),
"ddpub": here("data", "derived", "public"),
"ddpriv": here("data", "derived", "private"),
"rfig": here("results", "figures"),
"roth": here("results", "other"),
"rtab": here("results", "tables"),
"dmet": here("data", "metadata")
Standard Metadata
: Tracts2010.shpAbstract
: census tracts from the 2010 Census for Chicago containing with demographic data joined from the P2 Spatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: TractsSpatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: Temporal Resolution
: 2010Lineage
: Data was downloaded from Middlebury College Geog 120 Week 04 Lab: Urban Models of Segregation by Race and Class which collected the data from Steven Manson, Jonathan Schroeder, David Van Riper, and Steven Ruggles. IPUMS National Historical
Geographic Information System: Version 13.0 [Database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. 2018. http://doi.org/10.18128/D050.V13.0.Distribution
: Data is available Constraints
: No legal constraintsData Quality
: No planned quality assessmentLabel | Alias | Definition | Type | Accuracy | Domain | Missing Data Value(s) | Missing Data Frequency |
fid | :--: | object id | int | ||||
STATEFP10 | :--: | state id | int | ||||
COUNTYFP10 | :--: | county id | int | ||||
TRACTCE10 | :--: | tract id | int | ||||
GEOID10 | :--: | geography id | int | ||||
NAME10 | :--: | ? | int | ||||
NAMELSAD10 | :--: | census tract name | string | ||||
GISJOIN | :--: | uniquely identifies tracts for purpose of joining to geographic data | string | ||||
PopTotal | :--: | total population | int | ||||
Latinx | :--: | total Hispanic or Latino/Latina population | int | ||||
NotLatinx | :--: | total non-Hispanic White population | int | ||||
White | :--: | total non-Hispanic White population | int | ||||
Black | :--: | total non-Hispanic Black or African American population | int | ||||
Asian | :--: | total non-Hispanic Asian population | int | ||||
TwoOrMore | :--: | ? | int | ||||
MedHouseVa | :--: | median house value for owner-occupied houses | int | ||||
MedGrossRe | :--: | median gross monthly rent (including utilities) | int | ||||
pctWhite | :--: | percent white population | double | ||||
pctBlack | :--: | percent black population | double | ||||
pctLatinx | :--: | percent latinx population | double | ||||
pctAsian | :--: | percent asian population | double |
#load in tracts 2010
tracts2010 = gpd.read_file( here(path["drpub"], "tracts2010.shp") )
tracts2010 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tracts2010)
# Create folium map
mtracts = fm.Map([41.88155337370558, -87.63007007169067], zoom_start=10, tiles = "CartoDB Positron")
# Define a style dictionary to adjust line properties (e.g., line weight)
style_function = lambda x: {'color': 'blue', 'weight': 1, 'lineweight': '.40', 'fillColor': 'blue', 'fillOpacity': '.40'}
# Add the GeoJson layer to the map
fm.GeoJson(tracts2010, style_function=style_function).add_to(mtracts)
Standard Metadata
: Blocks2010.shpAbstract
: census blocks from the 2010 Census for Chicago containing with demographic data joined from the P2Spatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: Block groupsSpatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: Specify the temporal extent of your study---i.e. the range of time represented by the data observations.Temporal Resolution
: 2010Lineage
: Data was downloaded from Middlebury College Geog 120 Week 07 Lab which collected the data from Steven Manson, Jonathan Schroeder, David Van Riper, and Steven Ruggles. IPUMS National Historical
Geographic Information System: Version 13.0 [Database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. 2018. http://doi.org/10.18128/D050.V13.0.Distribution
: Data is available Constraints
: No legal constraintsData Quality
: No planned quality assessmentLabel | Alias | Definition | Type | Accuracy | Domain | Missing Data Value(s) | Missing Data Frequency |
GEO.id | ... | Id | string | ... | ... | ... | ... |
GEO.id2 | ... | Id2 | string | ... | ... | ... | ... |
GEO.display-label | ... | Geography | geometry | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D001 | ... | Total Population | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D002 | ... | Hispanic or Latino | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D003 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D004 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - Population of one race | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D005 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - White alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D006 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - Black or African American alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D007 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - American Indian and Alaska Native alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D008 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - Asian alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D009 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D010 | ... | Not Hispanic or Latino: - Some Other Race alone | int | ... | ... | ... | ... |
# Load in blocks 2010
blocks2010 = gpd.read_file( here(path["drpub"], "blocks2010.shp") )
blocks2010 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(blocks2010)
Standard Metadata
: parks.shpAbstract
: parks in ChicagoSpatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: park polygons Spatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: Specify the temporal extent of your study---i.e. the range of time represented by the data observations.Temporal Resolution
: 2010Lineage
: Data was downloaded from Middlebury College Geog 120 Week 07 Lab Urban Environmental Justice of Green Space Access in ChicagoDistribution
: Data is available Constraints
: No legal constraintsData Quality
: No planned quality assessmentLabel | Alias | Definition | Type | Accuracy | Domain | Missing Data Value(s) | Missing Data Frequency |
parkName | :--: | names of every park in Chicago | string |
# Load in parks
parks = gpd.read_file( here(path["drpub"], "parks.shp") )
parks = gpd.GeoDataFrame(parks)
# Define a style dictionary to adjust symbology
style_function = lambda x: {'color': 'green', 'weight': 1, 'fillColor': 'green', 'fillOpacity': '100'}
fm.GeoJson(parks, style_function=style_function).add_to(mtracts)
# Display map
Standard Metadata
: forest.shpAbstract
: forest areas in ChicagoSpatial Coverage
: The city of Chicago, IllinoisSpatial Resolution
: forest polygonsSpatial Reference System
: EPSG 6454Temporal Coverage
: Specify the temporal extent of your study---i.e. the range of time represented by the data observations.Temporal Resolution
: 2010Lineage
: Data was downloaded from Middlebury College Geog 120 Week 07 Lab Urban Environmental Justice of Green Space Access in ChicagoDistribution
: Data is available Constraints
: No legal constraintsData Quality
: No planned quality assessment Label | Alias | Definition | Type | Accuracy | Domain | Missing Data Value(s) | Missing Data Frequency |
NAME | :--: | single multi part polygon with all forest areas | string |
# Load in forest
forest = gpd.read_file( here(path["drpub"], "forest.shp") )
forest = gpd.GeoDataFrame(forest)
# Define a style dictionary to adjust line properties
style_function = lambda x: {'color': 'darkgreen', 'weight': 1, 'fillColor': 'darkgreen', 'fillOpacity': '100'}
fm.GeoJson(forest, style_function=style_function).add_to(mtracts)
# Display map
Boundary Effects: Restricted to the extent of the city of Chicago the hard boundary of the city’s border could cut off people along the edges who might access a park within 0.25 miles outside of the city making it seem like they have less access to green space than people within the city.
Modifiable Aerial Unit Problem: The population with access to green space is calculated based on block groups which is one of the smallest enumeration units. This decreases the chances that diversity in spatial trends is generalized. The racial majority groups are calculated at the tract level, however, which might ignore varying trends between racial majority groups at the block group level.
Spatial Heterogeneity: This poses an issue when looking at the differences in greenspaces. Not all greenspaces have the same amenities or quality for their communities to access–just because it technically counts as a greenspace does not mean it has the same inherent value as other greenspaces. The size of the greenspace presents a parallel problem. Since access to greenspace is determined by a constant buffer of 0.25 miles it does not account for the fact that smaller spaces can reach more people proportionally to the size of the green space. Perhaps smaller green spaces should have a smaller buffer since they do not have a proportional capacity of use when compared to larger parks with the same 0.25-mile buffer.
The first data transformation is joining the parks and forests shapefiles since they come from different sources but together represent the total green space of Chicago.
# Join parks and forest
greenspace = gpd.overlay(parks, forest, how='union')
The construction of a new variable, the majority group column, in the tract data frame must also be calculated to continue with the analysis. The majority group is calculated by a threshold of 60% population, so if a tract has a single-race population percentage over 60% then it is given the designation of that race. Only White, Black, Asian, and Latinx are considered in this study as they were the most dominant in Chicago in 2010. The 60% threshold is a seemingly arbitrary choice in the original study design and could be modified to see how it influences the final results.
# Calculate Majority Group in tracts
threshold = 60.0
for index, row in tracts2010.iterrows():
# Check the condition for each row using 'index' to access specific values
if row['pctWhite'] >= threshold: # Check if 'pctWhite' is greater than or equal to 60.0
tracts2010.loc[index, 'majorGroup'] = 'White' # Assign 'White' to 'majorGroup'
elif row['pctBlack'] >= threshold:
tracts2010.loc[index, 'majorGroup'] = 'Black'
elif row['pctAsian'] >= threshold:
tracts2010.loc[index, 'majorGroup'] = 'Asian'
elif row['pctLatinx'] >= threshold:
tracts2010.loc[index, 'majorGroup'] = 'Latinx'
tracts2010.loc[index, 'majorGroup'] = 'Mixed'
First, the green space will be buffered by 0.25 miles to create a catchment area to show which blocks are able to access it easily. Using a spatial overlay, blocks with access will be selected if their centroids intersect with the green space buffer. These access blocks containing population data will then be aggregated to the tract level based on their tract id. Population data for each tract is then summed based on their racial majority group. Area calculations are made for the total area that each majority group inhabits, and then subsequently after a clip overlay that selects all of the green space area that overlaps their tracts. Variables of Percent of Population with Access and Green Space Per Person (sqm) are also derived from existing variables.
# Buffer by 0.25 miles converted to meters (1 mile ≈ 1609.34 meters)
bufferdist= 0.25 #in miles
greenspacebuffer = greenspace.buffer(bufferdist * 1609.34)
# Convert from multiple polygons into a single multi-part polygon
greenspacebuffer_single = greenspacebuffer.unary_union
# Turn buffered green space into geodataframe
bufferedgreen = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[greenspacebuffer_single], crs=blocks2010.crs)
# Create folium map
m = fm.Map([41.88155337370558, -87.63007007169067], zoom_start=10, tiles = "CartoDB Positron")
# Define a style dictionary to adjust symbology
style_function = lambda x: {'color': '#bbde93', 'weight': 1, 'fillColor': '#bbde93', 'fillOpacity': '100'}
# Add the GeoJson layer to the map
fm.GeoJson(greenspacebuffer, style_function=style_function).add_to(m)
#create centroids
centroids = blocks2010.geometry.centroid
#turn into geodataframe
blockscentroids = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=centroids, crs=blocks2010.crs)
# Select centroids that intersect with buffered greenspaces
greenaccessblocks = gpd.sjoin(blockscentroids, bufferedgreen, how="inner", predicate="intersects")
# Merge the original block data with the selected blocks based on centroid intersections
greenaccessblocks = greenaccessblocks.merge(blocks2010, left_index=True, right_index=True)
#Group by Tract id
greenaccessPop = greenaccessblocks.groupby('TRACTCE10')['D001'].sum().reset_index()
# join by tractce10 and add totalpopaccess
greenaccesstracts = tracts2010.merge(greenaccessPop[['TRACTCE10', 'D001']], on='TRACTCE10', how='left')
# create a Geodataframe with the greenaccesstracts
greenaccesstracts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(greenaccesstracts)
#group by majority group
groupedgreenaccess = greenaccesstracts.dissolve(by='majorGroup', aggfunc={
"majorGroup": "count","PopTotal":'sum',"D001":'sum'})
groupedgreenaccess = groupedgreenaccess.rename(columns={'majorGroup': 'Tracts'})
#calculate area for each majority group
groupedgreenaccess['area_sqm'] = groupedgreenaccess.geometry.area
#clip grouped green access and green space
majorGrnSpace = groupedgreenaccess.clip(greenspace)
# Calculate green space area
majorGrnSpace['areaGrn_sqm'] = majorGrnSpace.geometry.area
# Calculate 'pctAccess' as a percentage of access per population
majorGrnSpace['pctAccess'] = (majorGrnSpace['D001'] / majorGrnSpace['PopTotal']) * 100
# Calculate 'GreenAreaPop' as the ratio of green area to population
majorGrnSpace['GreenAreaPop'] = majorGrnSpace['areaGrn_sqm'] / majorGrnSpace['PopTotal']
geometry | Tracts | PopTotal | D001 | area_sqm | areaGrn_sqm | pctAccess | GreenAreaPop | |
majorGroup | ||||||||
Black | MULTIPOLYGON (((355481.444 561993.089, 355458.... | 269 | 755569.0 | 483672.0 | 1.964818e+08 | 1.349878e+07 | 64.014273 | 17.865712 |
Latinx | MULTIPOLYGON (((357408.653 576717.364, 357418.... | 146 | 579637.0 | 334119.0 | 9.621542e+07 | 2.667939e+06 | 57.642801 | 4.602775 |
Mixed | MULTIPOLYGON (((352328.568 566122.129, 352338.... | 178 | 669499.0 | 512778.0 | 1.453426e+08 | 8.965317e+06 | 76.591302 | 13.391083 |
White | MULTIPOLYGON (((347461.379 568394.469, 347367.... | 190 | 660728.0 | 487125.0 | 1.186064e+08 | 1.151111e+07 | 73.725497 | 17.421861 |
Asian | MULTIPOLYGON (((358470.236 575562.435, 358470.... | 4 | 13875.0 | 11248.0 | 1.983068e+06 | 2.768250e+04 | 81.066667 | 1.995135 |
# Rename index column
table1 = majorGrnSpace.rename_axis('Majority Group')
#Clean up names and round
table1['Population'] = table1['PopTotal'].round(0).astype(int)
table1['Population with Access'] = table1['D001'].round(0).astype(int)
table1['Area (sqm)'] = table1['area_sqm'].round(0).astype(int)
table1['Green Space Area (sqm)'] = table1['areaGrn_sqm'].round(0).astype(int)
table1['Percent Population with Access'] = table1['pctAccess'].round(1)
table1['Green Space Per Person (sqm)'] = table1['GreenAreaPop'].round(1)
table1 = table1.drop(columns = ["geometry", "PopTotal", "D001", "area_sqm", "areaGrn_sqm", "pctAccess", "GreenAreaPop"])
table1.to_csv( here(path["rtab"],"table1.csv") )# Save image
Tracts | Population | Population with Access | Area (sqm) | Green Space Area (sqm) | Percent Population with Access | Green Space Per Person (sqm) | |
Majority Group | |||||||
Black | 269 | 755569 | 483672 | 196481794 | 13498778 | 64.0 | 17.9 |
Latinx | 146 | 579637 | 334119 | 96215420 | 2667939 | 57.6 | 4.6 |
Mixed | 178 | 669499 | 512778 | 145342623 | 8965317 | 76.6 | 13.4 |
White | 190 | 660728 | 487125 | 118606374 | 11511111 | 73.7 | 17.4 |
Asian | 4 | 13875 | 11248 | 1983068 | 27683 | 81.1 | 2.0 |
# load and compare original results
original_results = gpd.read_file( here(path["ddpub"], "original_results.csv") )
original_results = pd.DataFrame(original_results)
#Drop geometry column
original_results = original_results.drop(columns = ['geometry'])
Majority Group | Tracts | Population | Population with Access | Area (sqm) | Green Space Area (sqm) | Percent Population with Access | Green Space Per Person (sqm) | |
0 | Black | 269 | 755,569 | 482,153 | 196,481,794 | 13,498,778 | 63.8 | 17.9 |
1 | Latinx | 146 | 579,637 | 332,655 | 96,215,420 | 2,667,939 | 57.4 | 4.6 |
2 | Mixed | 178 | 669,499 | 510,794 | 145,342,623 | 8,965,317 | 76.3 | 13.4 |
3 | White | 190 | 660,728 | 485,254 | 118,606,374 | 11,511,111 | 73.4 | 17.4 |
4 | Asian | 4 | 13,875 | 10,876 | 1,983,068 | 27,683 | 78.4 | 2.0 |
# create a Geodataframe with the greenaccesstracts
greenaccesstracts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tracts2010)
# Create folium map
mrace = fm.Map([41.88155337370558, -87.63007007169067], zoom_start=10, tiles = "CartoDB Positron")
def style_function(feature):
major_group = feature['properties']['majorGroup']
if major_group == 'Asian':
color = '#bf8282FF'
elif major_group == 'Black':
color = '#bbafd0FF'
elif major_group == 'Latinx':
color = '#e4b586FF'
elif major_group == 'Mixed':
color = '#feffa6FF'
elif major_group == 'White':
color = '#4468a8FF'
color = '#ffff00' # Default color if 'majorGroup' doesn't match any condition
return {
'fillColor': color,
'color': 'grey',
'weight': 0.3,
'dashArray': '5, 5',
'fillOpacity': '100'
green_style = lambda x: {'color': '#bbde93', 'weight': 1, 'fillColor': '#bbde93', 'fillOpacity': '100'}
# Add the GeoJson layer to the map
fm.GeoJson(greenaccesstracts, style_function=style_function).add_to(mrace)
fm.GeoJson(greenspace, style_function=green_style).add_to(mrace)
# dissolve the tracts geometry by racial majority group
greenaccesstracts = greenaccesstracts.dissolve(by= 'majorGroup')
greenaccesstracts['majorityGroup'] = greenaccesstracts.index
# Set up the base plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Define a function to assign colors based on 'majorGroup' column
def assign_color(feature):
major_group = feature['majorityGroup']
if major_group == 'Asian':
return '#bf8282FF'
elif major_group == 'Black':
return '#bbafd0FF'
elif major_group == 'Latinx':
return '#e4b586FF'
elif major_group == 'Mixed':
return '#feffa6FF'
elif major_group == 'White':
return '#4468a8FF'
return '#ffff00'
# Plot greenaccesstracts with different colors based on 'majorGroup' column
greenaccesstracts.plot(ax=ax, color=greenaccesstracts.apply(assign_color, axis=1), edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.3)
# Plot greenspace
greenspace.plot(ax=ax, color='#bbde93', edgecolor='grey', linewidth=0.05, alpha=1)
# Customize legend based on the colors for each majority group
plt.title('Racial Dimensions of Green Space in 2010 Chicago')
legend_patches = [
Patch(facecolor='#bf8282FF', label='Asian'),
Patch(facecolor='#bbafd0FF', label='Black'),
Patch(facecolor='#e4b586FF', label='Latinx'),
Patch(facecolor='#feffa6FF', label='Mixed'),
Patch(facecolor='#4468a8FF', label='White'),
Patch(facecolor='#bbde93', label='Greenspace')
# Add legend with the created patches
plt.savefig(here(path["rfig"], 'fig1.png')) # Save image
# Show the plot
This reproduction was almost entirely successful. Looking at the differences in Percent Population with Access between the original results and the results from this study there is a range of + 0.2 to 0.3 deviance for all majority groups besides Asian, which was 2.7% higher in the reproduction. It is important to note, however, that the Asian majority group has significantly less tracts than the others with only 4 compared to a range of 146 to 269 for everything else giving this deviance an over-representation. Comparing Figure 1 from this reproduction with the original reproduction the results look identical which is consistent with the identical data in the table all except for the minor differences in Population with Access and Percent Population with Access.
The potential for this error lies in differences in algorithms for how geopandas executes certain spatial analysis steps such as buffering and creating centroids versus how they are executed in QGIS. In general the geopandas tools are more computationally simple with less specifications for how they are executed. For example, in QGIS the buffer tool offers options for different styles, and end caps, but that is not available in geopandas.
This reproduction was also successful in creating a reproducible framework to be easily expanded on in the future. To further investigate the relationship between green space and racial majority groups one can adjust the variables "bufferdist" in the step of calculating the green space buffer and "threshold" in the data transformation step of creating the majority groups to raise the percent threshold above 60%. An engaging challenge in the future would be to automate the data sourcing directly from the web so that this study can be applied to different temporal and spatial extents.
Overall, this study showed that two racial majority groups have a disproportionate lack of access to greenspaces compared to the rest. Only 63.8% (or 64.0% in the reproduction) of the Black majority group has access to green space and only 57.4% (or 57.6% in the reproduction) of the Latinx majority group have access compared to a range of 73.4-78.4% (or 73.7-81.1% in the reproduction). When looking at the calculated Green Space Per Person in square meters, there are two groups that stand out as having significantly less green space: Latinx and Asian with 4.6 sqm and 2.0 sqm respectively. Given that the Latinx majority also had the lowest percent of population with access, this study identifies the Latinx group as being the most disproportionately impacted by a lack of green space. This finding is important because of the impacts that not having access to green space can have on an individual. Ranging from worse urban heat islands, worse air quality, less recreation area, and compromised mental health not having green space can have a strong negative impact on a population. To reduce this environmental inequality careful consideration of this data must be taken into consideration in green space zoning and urban revival projects. Access to the natural environment is not a privilege but a right and should be represented as such in urban planning.
The authors of this preregistration state that they completed this preregistration to the best of their knowledge and that no other preregistration exists pertaining to the same hypotheses and research.
Initial help
: Tate Sutter, also a student in Joseph Holler's OpenGIScience course at Middlebury College, and I were originally going to work on this together, therefore he contributed to the initial steps of writing the requirements txt to set up the computational environment as well as loading in the the tracts2010 data. Everything after will be conducted by me, Isaiah Bennett. This report is based upon the template for Reproducible and Replicable Research in Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences, DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/W29MQ
Wolch, J., Wilson, J. P., & Fehrenbach, J. (2005). Parks and Park Funding in Los Angeles: An Equity-Mapping Analysis. Urban Geography, 26(1), 4–35. https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.26.1.4